Pauline Shannon
Neuro-developmental therapist, Tomatis consultant and NeurOptimal® trainer.
or Contact Pauline on
07516614731 or 01899438152
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There are regular training courses for the INPP Schools programme and the INPP practitioners' programme in more than 10 different languages and in 14 different countries. Below you can find the information about the courses held in the United Kingdom.
INPP training in the UK
One day course for teachers
Learn to use the INPP schools programme
Our one day training course in the use of the INPP Schools' Programme can enable teachers to identify these problems and deliver a remedy. the remedy is a simple daily exercise programme, which can be completed in school for 10 minutes per day.

INPP one year training course
Become an INPP licentiate
If you have a degree in a related field and are interested in becoming an INPP Licentiate this is the course for you. It is a combination of online and in person modules which introduce you to the method, its origins and trains you to assess clients and guide them through an INPP programme.
One Day Teachers Course £250 per person*
The goal is to have the INPP school programme introduced to as many school as possible therefore this course is held all over the UK wherever and whenever there is demand. Please contact Pauline if you would like to arrange a course or sign up to a scheduled course.
Friday 15thof November 2024 in Edinburgh
Hosted by Pauline Shannon and Helping Hand
Saturday 22nd March 2025 in Northern Ireland
Hosted by Tori Sheppard Map and Compass Therapy
February 2025 Welwyn Garden City
Hosted by Kathryn Clough at Chrysalis Neurodevelopmental Therapy
Assessing Neuromotor Readiness for Learning is a substantially revised and expanded edition of a long established INPP training manual that has been consistently proven in practice.
The publication and training day include tests to assess children’s neuromotor skills, a developmental movement programme, and online access to INPP video training materials.
Based on the proven INPP model for neuromotor development screening and intervention, which is unique in having been rigorously evaluated in research and practice.
Places emphasis on assessing children’s physical development and understanding how neuromotor skills pro- vide physical foundations for learning success.
Includes a physical intervention programme designed for use in schools (6+ years).
Sally Goddard Blythe is Director of The Institute for Neuro-Physiological Psychology (INPP). She is the author of many books and published papers including: Reflexes, Learning and Behaviour (2002), The Well Balanced Child (2003), What Babies and Children Really Need (2008), Attention, Balance and Coordination – the 'A.B.C. of Learning Success (Wiley-Blackwell, 2009), The Genius of Natural Childhood (2011) and Neuromotor Immaturity in Children and Adults—The INPP Screening Test for Clinicians and Health Practitioners (2014).
The INPP Screening test is designed for use anyone with a first degree and professional qualifications and experience in a field allied to Education, Medicine or Psychology.
The INPP Developmental Movement Programme for use in Schools has been designed specifically to be used in schools with groups of children over the course of one academic year. Exercises from the INPP programme for schools should not be used out of context with individual children.
*Please note that it is essential that all attendees have a copy of the course training manual, which may be ordered directly from the publisher priced at £65.
Training in the INPP Method is offered in the United Kingdom in connection with the Institute for Neuro-Physiological Psychology in Chester, UK. The Institute for Neuro-Physiological Psychology (INPP) was established in 1975 by psychologist Peter Blythe Ph.D. The Institute was set up as a private research organization to investigate the effects of immaturity in the functioning of the central nervous system in children with Specific Learning Difficulties and adults suffering from Agoraphobia and Panic Disorder; to devise reliable methods of assessment; and to develop, supervise and evaluate effective programs of remedial intervention.
INPP is a self-funding organization involved in research, clinical practice, and training in the methods developed at INPP.
Since 1975, INPP has treated many thousands of children and adults with problems linked to immaturity in the functioning of the central nervous system. It has also carried out published research into the efficacy of methods developed at INPP.
Dr. Peter Blythe started to provide training courses for small groups of professionals in the United Kingdom and Sweden in the late 1970's. During the 1990's a formal training course in the methods developed at INPP was established in the United Kingdom and this course is now available in Germany, The Netherlands, Belgium, Italy, Austria, Switzerland, Spain, Poland, the United States, Mexico, Australia, Canada (2024) and Brazil (2024). INPP-Chester is the certifying body for all countries providing training in its methods. Sally Goddard Blythe (MSc.) is the current Director of INPP.
This course is designed for anyone with a first degree and professional qualifications as well as a minimum of five years of experience in a field allied to Education, Medicine or Psychology. This includes Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy, and Speech/Language Therapy.
A full curriculum vitae is required on application, along with supporting documentation.
Introduce students to the differences between normal and delayed reflex development, including signs, symptoms and implications.
Enable students to become competent in the identification and assessment of developmental delay related to retained primitive reflexes using the INPP Questionnaire and Diagnostic Assessment.
Develop the student's ability to interpret and communicate test results, supervise a remedial program and assess ongoing progress.
Identify individuals who would potentially benefit from the INPP Individual Program.
Administer and interpret the INPP Diagnostic Assessment results.
Provide written reports based on assessment findings.
Devise an appropriate remedial program based on assessment results.
Perform follow-up assessments at regular intervals while a child is on the INPP
Program. -
Supervise and amend the INPP Program.
The course comprises three teaching modules and one examination module. Contact time is 24 hours for module 1, 30 hours for each of modules 2 and 3, and 6 hours for module 4 (total contact time 90 hours).
Students attend full teaching time for modules 1, 2, and 3, and complete several assignments in between modules. Completion of assignments is necessary for admission to successive modules. Minimum hours of study required to fulfill recommended reading and assignments (outside teaching modules) is approximately 90 hours.
Module 1 online (four days of instruction)
History of the development of the INPP theory and methods since 1969 and differential diagnoses.
Developmental factors in specific learning difficulties and behaviour.
Reflex development from conception to 31/2 years of age.
Results of abnormal reflex development above 31/2 years of age.
Development of the nervous system and functions of the vestibular system and cerebellum (external lecturer)
Interaction between developing reflexes, motor skills, and sensory development during the first year of life.
A midwife’s perspective on the role of primitive reflexes in pregnancy and birth (external lecturer)
Use of the INPP Developmental Screening Questionnaire.
Assignments following Module 1
Reading of set texts. Reading list will be provided on first day of module 1 or can be sent out prior to commencement.
Answer five short essay questions (500 words each) based on set text and content of module. The essay questions cover aspects of reflex development and the effects of retained reflexes on the individual. This assignment is to be completed and submitted no later than one month prior to the commencement of module 2.
Complete six case studies using the INPP Developmental Screening Questionnaire (approximately 6 hours). Students are required to use the INPP Developmental Screening Questionnaire to identify children and adults whose developmental history indicates that they would be suitable candidates for further assessment and use of the INPP Remedial Program.
Students are encouraged to use the questionnaire instrument on subjects with and without learning and/or emotional problems to compare the differences in early developmental history and bring the results to the next module for seminar discussion.
Module 2 in person attendance (five days of instruction)
The aim of module 2 is for students to become competent in the administration, interpretation and evaluation of tests using the INPP Diagnostic Assessment. Instruction is provided in the use of subtests for
Gross Muscle Coordination and Balance
Patterns of Motor Development
Cerebellar Involvement
Primitive and Postural Reflexes
Oculo-motor Functioning
Visual Perception
Seminar discussion based on case studies using INPP Developmental Screening Questionnaire is included.
Assignments following Module 2
Students are required to use The INPP Diagnostic Assessment on a minimum of 6
subjects (24 hours). Use of the INPP assessment instrument involves the
administration and accurate scoring of tests and interpretation of results. -
Students must also continue to carry out continuous background reading of
recommended texts (from each section of the Reading List).
Module 3 in person attendance (four days of instruction)
During module 3, instruction is provided in:
Preparation and delivery of a report based on diagnostic assessment results
Preparation of an educational report
Theory and methods of building an INPP Reflex Stimulation and Inhibition
Program based on diagnostic assessment results.
INPP exercises (incl. practice)
Procedure for Follow-up Review
Licentiate status
A half-day seminar scheduled within module 3 allows for discussion of results from diagnostic assessment (from assigned homework) as well as rationale, planning and selection of exercises for remedial intervention for a few selected cases.
Assignments following module 3.
Continued reading from the reading list.
Revision of all materials in preparation for examinations and assessment.
Examination Module 4 (two days)
Module 4 consists of 2 days of written exams. The examinations comprise 4 papers:
Short paper (theory) - 20 short questions to be answered. (1 hour)
Long paper (theory) – 3 essay questions to be answered out of a choice of 5
(2 hours) -
Short paper (practical) – 20 short questions on aspects of practice. (1 hour) or viva-voce at which students are required to demonstrate selected testing procedures and answer questions concerning the initial consultation and remedial program.
Long paper (practical) – 3 essay questions on practical aspects of screening, diagnosis and treatment out of a choice of 5 questions. (2 hours)
A minimum of 60% is required on every paper for a candidate to be deemed competent. It should be noted that there is no % of number of candidates who pass or fail. Success is based on individual competency to practice. Candidates are required to demonstrate a level of competency in all areas in order to be eligible for certification.
If a candidate fails to acquire a minimum of 60% on one paper, the candidate will be required to attend the relevant teaching module the following year or may be assigned additional written or practical course work to complete. Students must have completed all assignments to a satisfactory level by the required dates in addition to achieving a minimum mark of 60% on all written examination papers.
On successful completion of all assignments, examination papers, graduates will be issued with a provisional certificate to practice. This certificate is valid for 18 months after successful completion of the course.
Follow up Supervision.
Graduates are required to attend 2 days’ compulsory supervision in the first 18 months after qualifying to be issued with a full certificate to practice. There is an additional fee to attend supervision days.
Professional/Licentiate Membership
Following successful completion of the course and prior to starting to practice, practitioners of the method who wish to have electronic access to all clinical materials via the Licentiate portal to use the INPP clinical database, INPP fonts and colours, the INPP logo (a registered trademark) and have their names listed on their National Principal’s website, are required to become Licentiates of INPP through the National Principal in the territory in which they will be practicing. (If there is no INPP Principal for the territory, membership is with INPP International).
Licentiates are required to attend two supervision days bi-annually. Fees for supervision days are in addition to the annual Licentiate membership fee. Supervision days are run by National Principals of INPP and INPP International.
Licentiate status is renewed annually from 1st June each year on payment of £100 plus VAT (UK) or £120 to the National Principal (please note this fee is subject to change with notification prior to annual renewal) and signing of the Licentiate agreement. A summary of the terms, conditions and benefits of Licentiate status are attached.
Schedule for 2025/26
Module 1 - 6th to 9th of October 2025 online (x4 half days online)
Module 2 - 19th to the 23rd of January 2026 in person in Bristol.
Module 3 - 20th to 23rd of April 2026 in person in Bristol.
Examination Module 4 - 15th and 16th June 2026.
Fee £3450.
A deposit of 50% of the total fees is required at registration, the balance is due no later than the 1st of September 2025.
Payments will be accepted in the form of Bank Transfer.
A monthly payment plan is available by arrangement.
Cancellation Policy
If cancellation is made more than one month prior to commencement of the course the deposit will be refunded in full.
The deposit is non-refundable if cancellation is made less than one month prior to commencement of the course.
If a student is unable to complete subsequent modules of the course, they may be liable for fees for the proceeding module.
In Person Modules
Students are responsible for arranging their own travel, accommodation and covering personal expenses during all in-person teaching modules. Morning coffee and afternoon tea is provided each day by the course venue. Students are responsible for making their own arrangements for lunch each day.
To apply for the course please send a full curriculum vitae to: mail@inpp.org.uk