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Pauline Shannon
Neuro-developmental therapist, Tomatis consultant and NeurOptimal® trainer.
or Contact Pauline on
07516614731 or 01899438152
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Here are some of the most frequently asked questions about INPP reflex integration, Tomatis listening programmes and SSP the Safe and sound protocol. If you have a question, please click here to email Pauline.
What are the contra-indications for a programme like this?For these programmes to work you need to be able and willing to do commit to a daily 2 minute exercise. Or daily listening sessions. If this is likely to be difficult this may not be the programme for you.
How do I find out if this programme is likely to be useful to me?Read the information on this site. Complete the online questionnaire. see here Phone or email me for information. Book in for an initial consultation. These are designed to give you an indication as to whether this programme might help you and to give you a chance to ask any questions you have about the programmes.
How many appointments will I need?Reflex integration programmes last around a year with some taking only 6 months and others taking up to 18 months. I would see you every 8 weeks, either inperson or online, so each programme involves and initial consultation, an assessment and between 6 and 9 reviews.
Is there an age limit?For a reflex integration programme ideally clients will be 6 years of age or older but all circumstances are taken into account. I am currently seeing clients as young as 3 and as old as 76. Listening programmes are suitable for all ages.
What is an initial consultation?This is an appointment attended only be the adults. It offers the opportunity for the adults to discuss the difficulties experienced with out the child present. We will go over the early development and get an idea of whether retained reflexes are likely to be contributing to the difficulties experienced. It is also an pooprtunity for you to ask any questions about the programmes.
What conditions do people come with?A large range. In the last year the clients I have seen have presented with anxiety, ASD, ADD they have been school refusers and those with exam anxiety. I have worked with adults looking to come of ADD medication and those suffering from phobias and depression.
How do I make an appointment?You can book an appointment using my online booking system using this link, by emailing pauline or by calling 01899438152 or 07516614731.
What does an developmental assessment consist of?A full diagnostic assessment consists of a number of tests including stands and silly walks which indicate the degree to which reflexes are retained. it also includes a short section on vision and a couple of drawings. All designed to give me a picture of which, if any, reflexes are retained and to what extent. At the end of the assessment I will select your first exercise and show you how to do it.
What are reviews?Reviews are short visits to review the exercise you have been doing, to assess the reflexes we have been working on and to select the next exercise to move on to. They can last up to one hour but are usually shorter around 30 minutes. They can be done inperson or online.
Can I meet you before I sign up for a programme?Yes. if you would like to meet me before you can arrange a free online initial consultation. see here
Are there other INPP practitionners in Scotland?Yes. A list of licentiates in Scotland can be found on the inpp in scotland website. see here INPP licentiates are also listed on the INPP website. see here
Is support available between reviews? What if I am struggling?Absolutely! I am available on the phone or on email if you have any problems or questions between appointments. I would rather hear from you several times than find that you have given up. There is always an alternative if you are not able to manage the exercise you are given.
Why are you cheaper than other practitionners? Are you less qualified?I am no less qualified than other practitionners and have 25 years of experience working to support children and families. I started where you are with a child who was struggling. There were so many options out there and it was hard to choose. I wanted to make this as cheap as possible so it was available to as many people as possible for as reasonable a price as I could manage.
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