Pauline Shannon
Neuro-developmental therapist, Tomatis consultant and NeurOptimal® trainer.
or Contact Pauline on
07516614731 or 01899438152
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Some of the conditions we can help with:
Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD)
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
Balance problems
Developmental delay
Difficulty organising self or time
Finding Maths hard
Struggling to keep up with reading
Having difficulty writing
Under performance at school
Autistic Spectrum Disorders
Aggression and impulsiveness
Lack of confidence
lack of co-ordination
Lack of social skills
Inability to sit still
Difficulty listening
Physical and sensory difficulties
Over sensitivity to light, sound, touch or different foods
Speech and language difficulties or delay
Difficulty paying attention in class
Under achievement
Sensory Processing Disorder
Often the symptoms are all too obvious, but the causes less so. All information entering and leaving the brain is processed in the cerebellar-vestibular system. If this system is not working efficiently due to developmental delay, then it can cause or aggravate any or all of the problems mentioned on this page.
The individual programmes we provide, work at a very early point developmentally assessing and developing the early reflexes. They work by securing the foundations on which all other development is built. Very simply, by revisiting some of the very early developmental stages these programmes can improve the efficiency of the cerebellum. This in turn reduces the degree to which sensory information is allowed to overwhelm the system, and let's kids get on with doing. Because it works at such a fundamental level it can help lots of children and adults who have very different presenting problems and/or diagnosis.
Children - We are currently working with children who have diagnosis of Autism, Dyspraxia, Dyslexia, Irlen Syndrome, Asperger’s syndrome and developmental delay. All are showing improvement in confidence, balance, speech and coordination some also show reduction in phobic behavior allergies, bowel and bladder control, depression and schoolwork.
Adults - Our adult clients include people with phobias, and allergies as well as those battling depression and anxiety, Autism and ADHD. We see teenagers and young adults for exam anxiety and people of all ages with dyslexia.
We treat the cause not the symptoms.