Pauline Shannon
Neuro-developmental therapist, Tomatis consultant and NeurOptimal® trainer.
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07516614731 or 01899438152
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Pauline Shannon
I have a background in working with children who are experiencing difficulties at home and in school. I worked with children in residential homes in Aberdeen and as an Assistant Unit Manager in a secure unit in Edinburgh. Following that I was a social worker for learning disabilities in Musselburgh and East Lothian before having a family of my own.
After a break to raise my family of three I undertook further education in the field of child development and education including a Waldorf teacher training course. I have continued to learn about methods that support the whole and make life easier for children and adults.

INPP Licentiate and INPP Trainer
I am an INPP Licentiate. Having completed the INPP one year training I am now qualified to assess neuromotor immaturity and to design individualised reflex integration programmes for children and adults. I have been working as n INPP licentiate in the central Scotland area for over 8 years.
I attend bi-annual supervision and am involved in the training and support of new INPP practitioners.

Johansen IAS Provider
found though my work that some people needed more than just reflex integration, were unable to do the exercises or were presenting with auditory difficulties rather than reflex integration issues so I added Johansen IAS to my tool kit. It was an option for those needing to focus on language issues and ablet o listen to music for 10 minutes a day. As I have worked with this method it has become even easier for people to access as it is now available on an app rather than CDs.

Tomatis Level 4 Consultant
Again, led by specific clients that needed more support than I was able to offer I undertook Tomatis training first at level one the two, three and more recently I have been trained to the level of Tomatis level four consultant. I can now offer highly individualised programmes and even use the mothers voice and sonic journey to help clients with trauma histories.

Safe and Sound Protocol provider.
I undertook the Safe and Sound protocol training and the remote provider training so I could offer support to people at a distance. It is amazing how easily you can work with someone in their own safe space. I have been supporting people going through the SSP protocol both in person and online to great effect. I am particularly interested in the impact of SSP on Menopause and on long Covid.

NeurOptimal Neurofeedback trainer.
NeurOptimal dynamic neurofeedback trains the brain to self regulate. For whatever reason our self-regulation is not what it could be this training helps the brain better regulate itself. I love it as it is no effort you cannot get in wrong you do not have to work at it you just relax and reap the benefits.
On going training
I am commited to life long learning and on going training. Here are a list of the courses I have taken in addition to the qualifications listed above.
HANDLE Level 2 training completed with Nancy Dill August 2024.
Anat Baniel Method Neuromovement From Fixing to Connecting course. August 2024
Emmet Technique level one and Two 11th August 2024
HANDLE level one training completed with Nancy Dill May 2024
RGM level one repeated with Itte Nygren in Edinburgh in March 2024
TOMS train the trainer training in November 2024
Audio Psycho Phonology training in Spain with Carlos Alos March and September 2023.
Ronnie Gardiner Method Training Levels one and Two completed with Ronnie Gardiner and Itte Nygren in San Diego August 2023.
Certified Business Coach by Evercoach completed August 2022