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RMTI Training in Scotland 2024-25

The opportunity to train to be an RMTI Consultant is not often offered in Scotland so do not miss this opportunity.  All the necessary courses will be offered in Edinburgh over 9 months from September 2024 to June 2025.  Don't miss out!

What is Rhythmic Movement Training?


Rhythmic Movement Training is a natural movement-based programme which can help to integrate the primitive and postural reflexes from early childhood development. The reflexes have been found to help setup the neurological foundations for mind and body development that should have all played their role sufficiently by around the age of 4 years old.  RMT gives us the second opportunity to revisit the early years and help develop these sensory foundations so that we can reach our highest potential.


The senses assisted by RMT are:


  • Motor

  • Visual

  • Auditory

  • Vestibular

  • Tactile

  • Proprioceptor


Developing and integrating these vital senses can make a difference to:


  • Self esteem

  • Self confidence

  • Academic skills – reading, writing and maths

  • Phonological skills

  • Speech

  • Cognitive skills

  • Comprehension skills

  • Organisation skills

  • Emotional issues



We all need to be able to access our senses for these everyday skills and by helping to integrate the reflexes life can become much easier. Everyone finds ways to compensate for their physical, emotional or behavioural challenges by using coping strategies but this is usually stressful, requires lots of hard work and more effort being put into achieving success. Working with this Rhythmic Movement programme can help reduce the amount of effort needed to succeed.


How does RMT help?


Consultants can assess the reflexes and then use Rhythmic Movements to help integrate the reflex. The developers of this programme propose that Rhythmic Movements help to stimulate neurological development helping to make new or strengthen existing neural connections from the cerebellum through to the prefrontal cortex. The Rhythmic Movements are very similar to the movement patterns that babies make and how they develop from being helpless and survival orientated on the floor to being able to roll over, creeping, sitting up unaided, to crawling, standing, walking, hopping, skipping and jumping.

The inborn reflex pattern, with the right stimulation, should allow all these stages to develop properly and efficiently. If not, there may be neurological delays in development and brain maturity which may affect our ability to learn easily, naturally and successfully. This can be carried into adulthood and throughout life. The earlier corrections can be made, the more success in the educational years, leading to better future opportunities in life.

RMT can enhance development extremely efficiently and successfully for any age and ability and help clear many developmental delays the way nature intended.


Who can benefit from RMT?


The programme is designed to help facilitate positive change in anyone using the gentle and simple rhythmic movements which can be adapted for those with physical restrictions.

  • All age groups – babies, infants, teenagers, adults including senior citizens

  • All abilities 

  • Children who are not reaching their chronological age and expected attainment levels

  • Anyone looking to develop their skills and reach their highest potential

  • Communication skills

  • Muscle tone

  • Posture

  • Balance

  • Focus and concentration

  • Co-ordination

  • Processing of information

  • Self confidence

  • Behaviour management

  • Executive functions

Level one and two combined

27th, 28th and 29th of September 2024

In this 2-day course participants learn the basics of the Rhythmic Movement Training: how rhythmic movements can be used to assist in regulating muscle tone; stimulating the connections between the cerebellum and the neocortex (especially the frontal lobes) in order to improve attention and control impulses. The course also includes examining the role of the primitive reflexes in development, and how to integrate them using rhythmic movements an isometric pressure. 



No prerequisites.

Making Connections

1st and Second of February 2025

The aim of this course is to investigate how movement, both before and after birth, is important for laying the foundations of neural development and organisation and how we can use activities that replicate these innate movements to assist in developing brain maturity. Learn how the rhythmic movements stimulate the connections between all areas of the brain in order to function efficiently, and to form the basis of becoming a competent and curious learner.

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No prerequisites.

School Readiness

7th and 8th of June 2025

This 2-day class focusses on using Rhythmic Movements with young children, as well as looking at how to identify when primitive reflexes are not integrated. The class looks at using activities and games to introduce the movements to children, as well as developing your own activities and games.

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No prerequisites

Level three - Reading and Writing

30th of November and 1st December 2024

This 2-day course deals with how our reading and writing ability is affected by various factors such as our vision, our ability to recognise the sounds of the language and our motor ability.  We learn how to check for non integrated primitive reflexes and recognise other motor disabilities that are important in reading difficulties, and how to improve reading and writing ability by correcting imbalances with rhythmic movements and reflex integration activities.  

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Prerequisites—Levels 1 & 2 

Face the Fear

29th and 30th of March 2025

In this class we examine the role the Fear Paralysis and the reflexes that are connected to the second stage of Moro relate to establishing a sense of stability and security, and how they are important for bonding and attachment, communication and language development.

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Prerequisites– Levels 1 & 2

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